Wednesday, October 7, 2015

[Review] GEOღ Rainbow Color Cosmetic Contact Lenses - Aurora Ash【使用心得】

Dear All^^

I have been using a lot new goodies lately ad I have lots to tell about my new facial masks. However I seem to have a bias for color lenses posts. xD I should be updating more often, it's just that I don't have that much free time to do so. Will be trying to catch up very very soon.

It's been a long time since I have reviewed contacts by Geo Rainbow Color and I found some new colors in my drawer. (You know the drawer with products I still need to review.. yes that one. lol xD)
Therefore, I choose to review the ones I think I would like the most. Just wait and see.

 Now you have seen a sneak-a-peek picture, you must have seen how awesome the effects of these lenses are! It's been a long time since I first tried Rainbow Color lenses and I must say the effects of their lenses still amaze me.

This Aurora Ash color came out with the second batch of Rainbow color lenses. Back then I was extremely excited about these lenses because of the amazing colors. However, due to work I wasn;t able to wear too many "unnatural" colors, so I haven't tried these till now.

(The first batch of GEO Rainbow Color Cosmetic Lenses  is a collaboration between GEO Medical Ltd. and Cheesie, a famous Malaysian Blogger. These Rainbow Color Contact Lenses should be 100% genuine certified GEO Medical lenses... xD

The first batch of the Rainbow Color lenses comes in 7 different colors: Circle BrownWood AshSky BlueEarth Brown , Circle Black, Storm Grey and Lilac Purple. ( I didn't have the chance to purchase and review the other 2 colors yet, because they didn't have my prescription anymore. However, they told me they would stock up soon, so I might still review those in the future!^^)

The second batch comes in 5 different colors: Ocean Blue, Aurora Ash, Macaron Pink, Choco Brown and Vivid Brown. 
(You can find these Rainbow Color lenses at ))

Manufacturer: GEO Rainbow Color 
Diameter: 14.20 mm

Produced by: GEO Medical Ltd.
Country of Origin: Korea
Life Span: 3 Months Disposable
Base Curve: 8.6 mm
Water Content: 42%
Contents: Sterile Hydrophilic Contact Lenses
Color: Aurora Ash

The cute box has 2 vials containing the lenses and a pink-white contact lens case.

As you can see it looks very glittery grey with a dark grey border. I was really excited by theses lenses and I fell in love the first second I was wearing them. 


I don't have much to say about my picture without lenses. I, personally don't like this bare-eye look. Just because I know what color lenses can mean to your look.





*Natural Size 5/5
I love the size of these lenses, they do enlarge a quite a bit, however I wouldn't call it awkwardly huge. It's just perfect. 
( if you're looking for contacts with dolly effects, I would not recommend you to use these, as these are more for a Natual look.)

Color effect:  5/5
I knew I would love this color, and I really did after wearing these. I don't have much to say. Just look at the pictures. The color effect gives a lot more depth to the eyes. My eyes look very mesmerizing after wearing. 

* Comfortableness: ♥♥ 5/5  
These lenses are great for wear. I did not poke me and my eyes didn't feel uncomfortable. 
 (I do not recommend you to wear lenses for too many hours. It's bad for the eyes!)

I rated these lenses 5 stars for everything, just because I LOVE THEM! It might not be suitable for everyday use, (unless you don't care how people look at you), but they are nice to wear more often. They look great in real life and in pictures. I just adore them. 


I just purchased Philips Visapure Advanced with a massaging effect. This facial cleaner was recommended on a lot of variety shows, so I was eager to get myself one as well. lol 
Will update you with the results.. ^^

1 comment:

  1. I know the focus of this post is the lenses but can I just say your lashes are so *O*

    Jessie @ bijou-heart
