Thursday, May 16, 2013

[Review] Pegavisionღ Aquamax Color Daily Disposable Soft Contact Lenses Brown【使用心得】

[Review] Pegavisionღ Aquamax Color Daily Disposable Soft Contact Lenses Brown
晶碩光學 - 水滋氧 彩色日拋軟性隱形眼鏡 層棕【使用心得】

I have been receiving many compliments on my color lenses lately. So I decided to share my thoughts and review these amazing lenses! 

You might have seen these lenses on pictures in my previous posts, as I am wearing these very often. So, the color contacts I am going to review today is called: Pegavision - AQUAMAX COLOR. 

I bought my Pegavision contact lenses 3 months ago in Taiwan, while I was looking for food at the Gongguan Night Market. XD 
Pegavision has been promoting their contact lenses a lot. I've seen Pegavision in the department stores, at the MRT stations and randomly on the streets. Their ads were everywhere and the ads caught my attention. I realized that their contacts are not for sale at a optical shop, you can only get them at their own Pegavision shops in Taiwan. ( You can't even purchase these lenses online  =.=''!!!!! )

Manufacturer: Pegavision Taiwan
Materials: Etafilcon A
Use Period: Daily
Water content: 58 %
Diameter: 14.20 mm
Center thickness: 0.08 mm
Base curve: 8.5 mm
UV protection: Yes
Color: Brown (層棕)
Package: 20/box 

As you can see, the diameter of the contact lenses is 14.20 mm, which means that they are slightly bigger than normal contact lenses. Normal contact lenses are usually a 14.0 mm diameter, however, in my opinion, those are not that comfortable. So I prefer 14.2 mm or even lenses with 14.5 mm. Some people have a quite small iris, so 14.2 mm might have a slightly enlarging effect for these people. The very first circle lenses were 14.2 mm, therefore, these lenses can also be seen as "natural circle lenses".

The lenses are brownish-hazel:

Here's a picture of my eyes without the lenses. Not wearing anything.


<<<------ My eyes without contact lenses.

My eyes look very dull and dead without the lenses. My natural eye color is brown with a black circle. It may sound like a circle lens color, but it's not, my eye color isn't sparkling like a circle lens color...xD (It's not really visible in this picture though.. xD) Sigh, I don't like my eye color. =.= 

My eyes look far better with color lenses!! I don't like my dark eyes.

(*Some people think my eyes are fake and that it'll be very small without color cons.... =.=''
Color cons and circle lenses brightens the eyes, and yes your eyes might look bigger, but that's because your eyes pop out more. I guess people are skeptical because some girls really really really look different without the cons and makeup... xD )


My eyes with the contact lenses:


* Size: Slightly enlarging the eyes, because it pops out! Color contacts are to enhance the eyes. (I would not recommend these for those who are looking for bigger size dolly eyes contacts.)    

* Color: The color looks very natural! These lenses are for those who do not want to look too different from the original looks. The color of the lenses are a bit hazel in natural sunlight.

Comfortableness: I have been wearing these lenses up to 8 hours without any problem! (However, I do not recommend you to wear lenses for so many hours. xD It's bad for the eyes!)

*Overall: I love these lenses! As mentioned before, I have been receiving a lot of compliments on these. They are natural, yet very "eye-catching" =P. These contacts give me a cat-eye effect. These color cons were worth buying, and I am sure I will repurchase these when I am back in Taiwan. I highly recommend these color cons to those who that are looking for natural looking color cons.

Overall Rating: 4.7/5 ♥

Me wearing Pegavision Aquamax Color Brown. 


  1. Hi ! I passed by & saw your review on pegavision lens. I have boxes of these lenses degree 400.
    However, recently i went to optical shop & realized my degree has increased alot. I could no longer be able to use the lens. I bought it on july 2014. Are you interested in getting it?

    1. Hi Sherlyn,

      Thanks for reading!^^ Mind me asking which version you have of pegavision??

    2. Hi,

      How much did u purchase them?
      Do u need to join their membership to enjoy better prices?

    3. Hi Hazel, I bought them in Taiwan for like 1500 NT for two boxes. When you join their membership you will have better prices yes!

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